
What is Sensory Processing Disorder?

1 in 6 of the population have sensory integration or processing difficulties… yet over a third in the UK have not even heard of it.

Many people individuals have sensory sensitivities, such as sensitivity to noise, bright lights, or certain textures.

The workplace environment, with its often unpredictable sensory stimuli, can be overwhelming and distracting. As an example; some may think by offering an individual with autism, headphones to help the stimulation but you are actually making this person feel different. Speak to experts today to discuss how to make your workplace sensory inclusive.

SensoryPal is our dedicated branch of Jumpstart Support dedicated to making all things .

We’ll help make your working environment sensory-friendly, making your workplace an area where all people can thrive - regardless of their neurodiversity.

Through our SensoryPal certification, we’ll also make sure that your company is recognised as a sensory-inclusive workplace.